Optimist Club of Cerritos
"Bringing Out the Best in Kids"
Established in 1970
Past Presidents:
1970-71 Travis Snodgrass ***
1971-72 Ron Call
1972-73 Chuck Stewart ***
1973-74 Don Knabe
1974-75 Marv Maxvold ***
1975-76 Don McCain
1976-77 Jack Kleyh
1977-78 Jack Evans
1978-79 Manny Cadena
1979-80 Ron Blyleven
1980-81 Sherman Kappe
1981-82 Bob Hernandez
1982-83 George Ray
1983-84 Jesse Cass
1984-85 Richard Molthen
1985-86 Bob Hughlett
1986-87 Clarence Stephens
1987-88 Neal Pierce
1988-89 Don Brown
1989-90 John Crawley ***
1990-91 Waldo Arballo
1991-92 John Moore
1992-93 Ray Lovell
1993-94 Leland Tipton
1994-95 James Scichilone
1995-96 Randy Hyatt
1996-97 Larry Sagert
1997-98 Art Herbon
1998-99 Gerald Brewer
1999-00 Sunny Armstrong
2000-01 Wayne Miller ***
2001-02 Gary Lee ***
2002-03 Tim Coomes
2003-04 Jerry Bernstein
2004-05 Ellen Latino
2005-06 George Dominguez ***
2006-07 John Deiken ***
2007-08 Kay Fujimura
2008-09 Maynard Law
2009-10 Rick Renaker ***
2010-11 Jamie Hamilton
2011-12 Wayne Switzer
2012-13 Jack Reidy
2013-14 Phil Hickok ***
2014-15 Richard Alegria
2015-16 Gary McHatton
2016-17 Terry Matz
2017-18 Bob Arthur
2018-19 David DeKriek
2019-20 Desmond Thompson
2020-21 Paolo Quiroga
2021-22 Mani Fernando
2022-23 Bob Hensen
2023-24 Ron Glassman
* Honored President ** Distinguished President *** Deceased​